
Blunt vs. Joint vs. Spliff: What’s the Difference?

Blunt vs. Joint vs. Spliff: What’s the Difference?

For ages, individuals have sought solace in cannabis to unwind and find respite. As the legalization of weed gains momentum globally, there is a growing fascination for novel ways to encounter it. While smoking remains a widespread option, there are countless variations of this approach to enjoy marijuana, such as crafting a blunt, a joint, or a spliff.

Although these words are frequently interchanged, they actually depict distinct manners of smoking weed. In this write-up, we’ll delve deeper into the difference between blunts and joints and discover how a spliff differs from them. This will provide you with a clearer understanding of these prevalent techniques for consuming pot, which can easily be practiced with the help of pre-rolled joints available at

Different types of weed rolls

What is a blunt?

Blunts, a type of cannabis roll, are expertly crafted using cigar paper or tobacco leaves. Cigar contents are usually emptied, or the tobacco leaves are repurposed for the rolling paper. Once the cannabis is snugly placed in the paper, it is tightly rolled and sealed. Blunts are widely celebrated for their unhurried burning pace and their strikingly robust taste, which can be attributed to the tobacco used.

Cigar Blunts

This method of consumption involves removing the content from a cigar and substituting it with pot, for example, using this wonderfully fitting strain, Wedding Cake. Cigar blunts boast of their intense tobacco fragrance and flavor, which may overshadow the marijuana flavor. This option is frequently more substantial and more extensive than other blunt varieties, enabling them to carry more weed.

Rolling Paper Blunts

This approach requires wraps that are purposefully meant for blunts. These wraps are crafted from processed tobacco leaves that have had the nicotine content eliminated, resulting in a more subdued tobacco flavor than that of cigar blunts. Rolling paper blunts are often slimmer and tinier than cigar blunts, making them a favorite pick among those who desire a milder smoking encounter.

Flavored Blunts

Flavored blunts offer a tantalizing twist to the smoking experience by adding scrumptious flavors like strawberry or vanilla. This is achieved by dipping the cigar paper or tobacco leaves into a flavorful concoction before rolling the blunt. Smokers who desire to mask the taste of their herb or spice things up are often drawn to the allure of flavored blunts.

What is a spliff?

A spliff is a rolled-up concoction of weed and tobacco that’s similar to a joint but with an extra kick. Instead of just rolling up the herb in regular papers, spliffs mix in a bit of tobacco for a unique taste and an extra buzz. This unique combination of flavors and sensations is why some people prefer spliffs over regular joints.

Pure Spliffs

To partake in this style of consumption, one must skillfully roll a spliff using exclusively rolling papers and some herb, like the exquisite strain known as Amnesia, which perfectly suits this particular method. It’s important to refrain from adding any extraneous tobacco or other substances. Though similar to joints, these spliffs tend to contain less pot.

Tobacco Spliffs

To indulge in this method, one must amalgamate some marijuana with tobacco prior to rolling. The ratio of the two components may fluctuate depending on one’s liking, but these amalgamated cigarettes are typically more potent than their pure counterparts. They are a top pick for those who crave a more intense smoking experience, coupled with the stimulating effect of nicotine.

Flavored Spliffs

Flavored spliffs are a type of spliff that has been infused with fruity, spicy, or minty flavors. This infusion occurs by mixing a solution of flavorings with both pot and tobacco before the rolling process. The popularity of flavored spliffs has skyrocketed among smokers who wish to either mask the taste of tobacco or elevate their smoking experience with a more robust flavor.

What is a joint?

This classic smoking method entails rolling weed into thin, lightweight rolling papers made from materials such as rice or hemp. Once the herb has been ground and laid out, the paper is sealed either by using a sticky strip or by wetting the edge and rolling it up.

Rolling Paper Joints

These joints are crafted by rolling finely ground weed into a rolling paper and sealing it off with saliva or glue. They boast a straightforward method of rolling, enabling the pure essence of the cannabis to shine through. It’s no surprise that they are the go-to choice for those who seek a pure pot smoking experience.

Cone Joints

Cone joints, otherwise referred to as pre-rolled cones, are ready-made rolling papers crafted into a cone shape. They feature an already-attached filter, simplifying the task of filling and smoking. As a result, they have become a favored choice among those who seek a speedy and hassle-free smoking experience.

Twax Joints

These joints are a remarkable upgrade to the traditional ones, elevated with potent marijuana concentrates like shatter or wax. These concentrates are meticulously infused onto the surface or mixed with the herb, creating an elevated smoking experience with a rush of potency and delectable taste that will make your mouth water.

What’s the difference between a joint, a blunt, and a spliff?

To help you better understand all the differences between the three types of cannabis rolls for smoking, we present you with the following paragraphs dedicated to comparing each of the two possible pairs.

What’s the difference between a Blunt vs Joint vs Spliff?

These two differ in the type of paper used for rolling. A joint is made using thin, white cigarette paper, while a blunt is rolled with tobacco leaves or thick paper sourced from a cigar. Blunts are usually bigger and can hold more herb, while joints are smaller and generally contain less.

Blunts and joints have another distinguishing feature: blunts are often flavored due to the absorbent nature of the tobacco-based paper, which allows for the infusion of various aromas. Popular blunt flavors include grape, cherry, and vanilla, to name a few. In contrast, joints are not usually flavored as the thin paper fails to retain aromas efficiently.

What’s the difference between a Blunt vs Joint vs Spliff?

The type of paper and the ingredients used in these two differ quite substantially. Blunts consist of weed rolled in paper made from tobacco, while spliffs are rolled with regular paper and contain a mixture of both pot and tobacco.

A spliff falls between the size of a joint and a blunt, striking a balance between the two. It’s not as slender as a joint, nor is it as hefty as a blunt. Due to the presence of nicotine, a pull from a spliff can hit harder than a joint or a blunt, delivering a potent punch.

What’s the difference between a spliff and a joint?

A joint is usually made using thin, white cigarette paper and only filled with pot. Conversely, a spliff is a combination of weed and tobacco. The amount of weed relative to tobacco can differ, but spliffs are inclined to contain more tobacco than pot.

Regarding dimensions, a joint typically presents a more compact appearance in comparison to a spliff, and it’s also known to be gentler on the respiratory system since it doesn’t include tobacco. People who seek a milder smoking sensation usually opt for joints. Conversely, spliffs may offer a more potent effect since they contain a blend of pot and tobacco.

Here is a handy table that captures all the points discussed above in a concise and easily digestible format:

MaterialsRolling papers plus potRolling papers plus a mixture of weed and tobaccoCigar paper or tobacco leaves plus pot
PotencyLow to mediumMedium to highHigh
FlavorPure cannabisA mixture of weed and tobaccoCigar paper or tobacco leaves
Difficulty to RollEasyMediumDifficult

To summarize, selecting between a joint, a blunt, or a spliff boils down to individual preference and desired effects. Each choice brings its advantages and disadvantages to the table. Joints are simple to roll and provide an unadulterated weed flavor but might not pack as much punch as the other options. Blunts boast a high potency and are available in larger sizes, but their rolling can be challenging, and they may not suit those who dislike tobacco flavors. Spliffs offer a moderate potency with a blend of both pot and tobacco flavors, but they require some level of rolling proficiency.

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